Check-Up + Clean


Dental Examination

Every time you are seen by your dental professional at a regular hygiene visit, your dentist or therapist will include the following: 

  • Examination of diagnostic x-rays (radiographs): Essential for detection of decay, tumors, cysts, and bone loss.  X-rays also help determine tooth and root positions. As per the ADA guidelines, we make sure that you have bitewing xrays every two years and the full mouth xray every 5 years. 

  • Oral cancer screening: Check the face, neck, lips, tongue, throat, tissues, and gums for any signs of oral cancer. 

  • Gum disease evaluation: Check the gums and bone around the teeth for any signs of periodontal disease. 

  • Examination of tooth decay: All tooth surfaces will be checked for decay with special dental instruments. 

  • Examination of existing restorations: Check current fillings, crowns, etc.  

Professional Dental Cleaning

Professional dental cleanings are usually performed by our Oral Health Therapists.  Your cleaning appointment will include the following: 

  • Removal of calculus (tartar): Calculus is hardened plaque that has been left on the tooth for some time and is now firmly attached to the tooth surface.  Calculus forms above and below the gum line and can only be removed with special dental instruments. 

  • Removal of plaque: Plaque is a sticky, almost invisible film that forms on the teeth.  It is a growing colony of living bacteria, food debris, and saliva.  The bacteria produce toxins (poisons) that inflame the gums.  This inflammation is the start of periodontal disease! 

  • Teeth polishing: Remove stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during tooth brushing and scaling. 

  • Application of Topical Fluoride: Highly concentrated topical fluoride is directly applied to your tooth surface. It works by reducing the loss of and increasing the uptake of essential minerals to your permanent teeth and inhibiting decay-causing bacteria, thereby preventing tooth decay. Guidelines recommend for topical fluoride products to be professionally applied to your teeth at least twice per year. This can be up to four times in patients with a high risk of tooth decay. Adults and children, 3+ years of age can receive topical fluoride.  

Your therapist may recommend our newest service:            

  • Prophy Jet (Airflow polishing) Airflow Polish is a system that has been designed to deep clean the teeth and gums. It works by applying a high-powered combination of compressed air, water, and fine powder particles to clean the teeth and gums of stains and dental plaque. The cleaning is quicker, more thorough and gentler on the tooth structure, even on hard-to-reach areas (Note that extra fees apply). 

Ask front desk or your Therapist for further details.